Thanksgiving Fire Prevention Tips
11/26/2019 (Permalink)
With Thanksgiving around the corner, we are all preparing our menus, getting our grocery list ready, putting our guest list in place and deciding on how we are going to cook our turkey. Oven Bake? Deep Fry? Smoke? They all sound delicious and all have fire risks. Deep frying a turkey is the most dangerous. In the US, fire fighters respond to 1,000 fires a year that involve deep fryers and sadly cause extensive 3rd degree burns to the cook.
Some common mistakes when using a deep frying are:
-Placed to closely to a structure/home
-Placing to much oil in the fryer
-Attempting to fry a turkey that isn’t completely thawed.
-Always follow the instructions of the deep fryer -Don’t be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while deep frying -Always have a fire extinguisher near by -Heat the oil slowly -If a grease fire occurs do not use water to put it out.
Prevent Oven Fires By Following These Tips:
-Make sure your oven is clean before using -Pick up the dropped food, wipe up the spills -Put a cover over food that might splatter -Never cook unattended -Don’t cook if you are sleepy or consumed alcoholic beverages -Check the food often -Keep the space around the oven clear of items that could catch on fire -Use kitchen timers -Don’t store items on top of the stove or inside the oven.
-Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it
Thanksgiving is the highest day for cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day.
Practice these tips and have a safe happy holiday from your friends at SERVPRO of Amherst Clarence